Individual Photos of
William Brigham Parkinson Sr.

Click on the photos to see larger versions.
William as a boy
The father is John T. Parkinson
The woman may be his mother, Mary Woffindin,
or his stepmother Mary Ann Nutman
Courtesy of Diane P. Colston
(other copies from
Mary Etta Parkinson and Ron Wiser)
Notice the eye folds,
a family trait
Courtesy of
Mary Etta Parkinson
Retouched (frame added)
by Ben Parkinson

Note: If you know the location of the origianl,
please contact the webmaster!

Bradford, Yorkshire, where William was a boy
Couresty of David and Mary Etta Parkinson
Bradford, Yorkshire
Couresty of David and Mary Etta Parkinson

Bradford, Yorkshire
Couresty of David and Mary Etta Parkinson
Bradford, Yorkshire
Couresty of David and Mary Etta Parkinson

Courtesy of
Diane P. Colston
Perhaps from mission to England
Courtesy of
Diane P. Colston

* Click here for closeup *

Possibly 1878
Courtesy of Blaine P. Parkinson
Another version (very large)
Courtesy of Blaine P. Parkinson

Courtesy of
Diane P. Colston
Courtesy of
Blaine P. Parkinson
Courtesy of
Diane P. Colston

Inside his office.
This photo was given to a relative in England
whose descendants returned it to David Parkinson in the 1970s.
Courtesy of Mary Etta Parkinson

With Old Jeff (the horse) in front of office.
The black sign in front of drug store says
"Dr. Parkinson, Physician, Surgeon."
(This is visible in the full-size scan,
available from the webmaster--see below.)
Photo courtesy of Diane P. Colston
Another shot with Old Jeff.
Once when he delayed on his rounds,
Old Jeff continued without him,
stopping at every house.
Courtesy of Diane P. Colston

William drove one of the first cars in Cache Valley.
Photo courtesy of Diane P. Colston
Another shot
Courtesy of Diane P. Colston

Courtesy of
Diane P. Colston
Courtesy of
Diane P. Colston
Retouched version by
Cory Waite

Courtesy of
Diane P. Colston

* Click here for closeup *
Courtesy of
Diane P. Colston
Courtesy of
Diane P. Colston

Courtesy of
Diane P. Colston
Courtesy of
Diane P. Colston

* Click here
for closeup *
Courtesy of
Jaci Smith

WBP by Edith's house
Courtesy of Diane P. Colston
Composite version by
Ben Parkinson
(sign from another photo
of Edith's house)

Note: If you have photos of William B. Parkinson Sr. or other family members that you would be willing to have scanned (no more destructive than a photocopy), please contact Ben Parkinson, webmaster. We plan to make high-resolution scans and/or reprints available to all family members.

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